4235 | 25.05.2014 15:56:05 |
Text: PRODUCT OF ECUADOR REYES WHOLESALE PRODUCE # 4235 Nr.: 9529 Archives: 78,04-4-3 Size: 2,2 x 2,5 cm Origin: From Jimmy Torres R., Machala - El Oro, Ecuador, 01.05.2010 |
Text: # 4235 PLANTAINS Jolanthe COLOMBIA Nr.: 11061 Archives: 4902-2-3 Size: 2,9 x 3,3 Origin: From Margaret Archer, Bournemouth, England, 26.06.2012 |
Text: #4235 Nr.: 1495 Archives: 95,61-2-1 Origin: From Bill Wykle, Westminster, CO, USA, 17.04.2000 |
Text: #4235 C BANACOL Nr.: 3857 Archives: 363-3-1 Size: 2,4 x 2 Origin: From Emerson Nichols, High Point, NC, USA, 12.12.2001 |
-> The other PLU-Code (4235) | -> The other Banacol (Blue-white) | |||
Text: #4235 COLOMBIA BANACOL Nr.: 5205 Archives: 363-3-2 Size: 2,4 x 2 cm Origin: From Klement Cepon, Ljubljana, Slowenia, 28.11.2003 |
Text: #4235 PLANTAINS ECUADOR Nr.: 9343 Archives: 95,61-4-5 Size: 2,2 x 1,7 Origin: From Joan Weinmayr, Lexinton , MA, USA, 20.01.2010 |
-> The other Banacol (Blue-white) | -> The other PLU-Code (4235) | |||
Text: 4235 TURBANA COLOMBIA PLANTAIN Nr.: 11574 Archives: 84-2-4 Size: 4,9 x 2,3 cm Origin: From Jonas Feit, München, Germany (Montreal, Canada), 01.09.2013 |
Text: 4235 PLANTAIN Product of Ecuador Nr.: 2153 Archives: 95,61-3-2 Size: 2,5 x 5 Origin: From Francis Wolotko, Thunder Bay, Ont. Canada, 24.10.2000 |
-> The other Turbana (This and that) | -> The other PLU-Code (4235) | |||
Text: 4235 TURBANA COLOMBIA PLANTAIN Nr.: 9303 Archives: 84,08-1-1 Size: 2,9 x 3,2 cm Origin: From Joan Weinmayr, Lexinton , MA, USA, 20.01.2010 |
Text: 4235 TURBANA COLOMBIA PLANTAIN Maduros-Fried Sweet Plantains Heat one Inch....Stage of Ripeness: Extra ripe Plantain Nr.: 9480 Archives: 84,09-1-3 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 Origin: From Joan Weinmayr, Lexinton , MA, USA, 02.04.2010 |
-> The other Turbana (This and that) | -> The other Dole (Nature's Original) | |||
Text: 4235 TURBANA COLOMBIA PLANTAIN Maduros-Fried Sweet Plantains Heat one Inch....Stage of Ripeness: Extra ripe Plantain Nr.: 9481 Archives: 84,09-1-4 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 cm Origin: From Joan Weinmayr, Lexinton , MA, USA, 02.04.2010 |
Text: 4235 TURBANA COLOMBIA PLANTAIN Maduros-Fried Sweet Plantains Heat one Inch....Stage of Ripeness: Extra ripe Plantain Nr.: 10757 Archives: 84,09-3-1 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 Origin: From Joan Weinmayr, Lexinton , MA, USA, 11.01.2012 |
-> The other Dole (Nature's Original) | -> The other Turbana (The Blacks) | |||
Text: 4235 TURBANA COLOMBIA PLANTAIN Microwave Plantains Cut off both....Stage of Ripeness: Ripe Plantain Nr.: 9482 Archives: 84,09-2-1 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 cm Origin: From Joan Weinmayr, Lexinton , MA, USA, 02.04.2010 |
Text: 4235 TURBANA COLOMBIA PLANTAIN Microwave Plantains Cut off both....Stage of Ripeness: Ripe Plantain Nr.: 10759 Archives: 84,09-3-3 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 Origin: From Joan Weinmayr, Lexinton , MA, USA, 11.01.2012 |
-> The other Dole (Nature's Original) | -> The other Turbana (The Blacks) | |||
Text: 4235 TURBANA COLOMBIA PLANTAIN Sweet Microwave Plantains Slice a fully....Stage of Ripeness: Extra ripe Plantain Nr.: 9478 Archives: 84,09-1-1 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 cm Origin: From Joan Weinmayr, Lexinton , MA, USA, 02.04.2010 |
Text: 4235 TURBANA COLOMBIA PLANTAIN Sweet Microwave Plantains Slice a fully....Stage of Ripeness: Extra ripe Plantain Nr.: 9479 Archives: 84,09-1-2 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 Origin: From Joan Weinmayr, Lexinton , MA, USA, 02.04.2010 |
-> The other Dole (Nature's Original) | -> The other Dole (Nature's Original) | |||
Text: 4235 TURBANA COLOMBIA PLANTAIN Sweet Microwave Plantains Slice a fully....Stage of Ripeness: Extra ripe Plantain Nr.: 10758 Archives: 84,09-3-2 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 cm Origin: From Joan Weinmayr, Lexinton , MA, USA, 11.01.2012 |
Text: 4235 TURBANA COLOMBIA PLANTAIN Tostones-Fried Plantains Heat one inch....Stage of Ripeness: Green Plantain Nr.: 9483 Archives: 84,09-2-2 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 Origin: From Joan Weinmayr, Lexinton , MA, USA, 02.04.2010 |
-> The other Turbana (The Blacks) | -> The other Dole (Nature's Original) | |||
Text: 4235 TURBANA COLOMBIA PLANTAIN Tostones-Fried Plantains Heat one inch....Stage of Ripeness: Green Plantain Nr.: 9484 Archives: 84,09-2-3 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 cm Origin: From Joan Weinmayr, Lexinton , MA, USA, 02.04.2010 |
Text: 4235 TURBANA COLOMBIA PLANTAIN Tostones-Fried Plantains Heat one inch....Stage of Ripeness: Green Plantain Nr.: 10760 Archives: 84,09-3-4 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 Origin: From Joan Weinmayr, Lexinton , MA, USA, 11.01.2012 |
-> The other Dole (Nature's Original) | -> The other Turbana (The Blacks) | |||
Text: Asian Produce Frieda's ® www.friedas.com Plantain Product of Ecuado #4235 Nr.: 7512 Archives: 3632-1-1 Size: 2,5 x 3,5 cm Origin: From Ludmila Petrzelova, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 28.03.2007 |
Text: BANACOL C #4235 Nr.: 3160 Archives: 362-5-2 Size: 2,2 x 2 Origin: From Francis Wolotko, Thunder Bay, Ont. Canada, 16.05.2001 |
-> The other Frieda`s | -> The other Banacol (Form like a Bell) | |||
Text: BANACOL #4235 Nr.: 960 Archives: 362-5-1 Size: 2,2 x 2 cm Origin: From Gerri Lorenzo, Visalia, CA, USA, 21.12.1999 |
Text: Banacol Plantain Product of Colombia PLU 4235 Nr.: 9197 Archives: 361-2-3 Size: 4,4 x 2,4 Origin: (New York, NY, USA), 21.08.2009 |
-> The other Banacol (Form like a Bell) | -> The other Banacol (Blue-white) | |||
Text: Banacol Plantain Product of Colombia PLU 4235 Comment: small letters Nr.: 10174 Archives: 361-2-1 Size: 4,4 x 2,4 cm Origin: Forgotten, 08.03.2011 |
Text: Banacol Plantain Product of Colombia PLU 4235 Comment: tiny letters Nr.: 11059 Archives: 361-2-2 Size: 4,4 x 2,4 Origin: Forgotten, 15.09.2013 |
-> The other Banacol (Blue-white) | -> The other Banacol (Blue-white) | |||
Text: BONITA (R) ECUADOR #4235 Nr.: 8401 Archives: 453-3-1 Size: 2,8 x 2,2 cm Origin: (Antwerpen), 18.01.2009 |
Text: BONITA ® ECUADOR #4235 Nr.: 966 Archives: 453-3-2 Size: 2,8 x 2,2 Origin: From Gerri Lorenzo, Visalia, CA, USA, 21.12.2000 |
-> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | -> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | |||
Text: BONITA ™ ECUADOR #4235 Nr.: 4894 Archives: 453-3-3 Size: 2,8 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Bill Wykle, Westminster, CO, USA, 12.08.2003 |
Text: BURROS BANANAS NAYARCORA PRODUCE #4235 TIJUANA, B.C. MEXICO TEL. 978-9327 Nr.: 10294 Archives: 69,04-2-2 Size: 2,8 x 2,1 Origin: From Peter Niessen, San Sebastian, Spain, 28.04.2011 |
-> The other Bonita (Sun TM) | ||||
Text: C. I. ASCOPLAS 4235 Nr.: 6644 Archives: 306-6-2 Size: 2,5 x 2,1 cm Origin: (Asia-Shop, München, Germany), 16.02.2006 |
Text: CATIROY S.A. PLATANO PREMIUM PLANTAINS #4235 Product of Ecuador Nr.: 11185 Archives: 1625-2-2 Size: 2,8 x 2 Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 08.08.2012 |
Text: CHIPS PLANTAINS - GREEN - ... #4235 Turbana 1-800-Bananas Nr.: 1483 Archives: 84,02-1-2 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 cm Origin: From Bill Wykle, Westminster, CO, USA, 20.04.2000 |
Text: Chiquita ® #4235 Guatemala Nr.: 2098 Archives: 745-4-3 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 06.10.2000 |
-> The other Turbana (1-800 / 1-888) | -> The other Chiquita (®, Country, PLU) | |||
Text: Chiquita ® C #4235 Nr.: 2895 Archives: 724-1-6 Size: 3,8 x 3,1 cm Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 26.03.2001 |
Text: COLOMBIA Del Monte Quality ® #4235 Nr.: 6071 Archives: 1811-2-2 Size: 2,5 x 2,2 Origin: (Hertie, München), 21.02.2005 |
-> The other Chiquita (TM Box Code C, T) | -> The other Del Monte (Rest) | |||
Text: COLOMBIA MUSA tropical fruits ® PLANTAINS # 4235 Nr.: 9383 Archives: 6005-3-3 Size: 2,5 x 2,2 cm Origin: From David Kvasnicka, Sveti, Czech Republic, 02.02.2010 |
Text: COLOMBIA MUSA tropical fruits ® PLANTAINS # 4235 Nr.: 11080 Archives: 6005-3-4 Size: 2,8 x 3,3 Origin: From Alois Schuetz, München, Germany (Norwegen), 07.07.2012 |
-> The other Musa | -> The other Musa | |||
Text: Cook it your Way Savoury FRY GRILL BAKE Sweet # 4235 BONITA TM PLANTAIN www.bonita.co.nz PRODUCT OF ECUADOR Nr.: 11713 Archives: 455-2-4 Size: 7,5 x 2,5 cm Origin: From Tatjana Muralter, München, Germany, 21.01.2014 |
Text: Cooking banana Frieda's ® The Speciality Produce Company driven by results Plantain #4235 Produce of Ecuador www.frie.. Nr.: 6551 Archives: 3631-4-4 Size: 2,5 x 3,5 Origin: From Bill Wykle, Westminster, CO, USA, 01.01.2006 |
-> The other Bonita (This and That) | -> The other Frieda`s | |||
Text: D´Plantains PLU # 4235 Ecuador Nr.: 4284 Archives: 76,01-4-4 Size: 1,8 x 2,4 cm Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 16.10.2002 |
Text: DEL CARIBE ®COSTA RICA 4235 Nr.: 11799 Archives: 1751-4-1 Size: 2,1 x 2,8 Origin: From Linda Schrandt; Milwaukee, WI, USA, 15.04.2014 |
-> The other Del Caribe | ||||
Text: Del Monte #4235 Nr.: 3072 Archives: 1841-1-2 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 01.05.2001 |
Text: Del Monte #4235 Nr.: 7678 Archives: 1841-1-3 Size: 2,5 x 2,2 Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 10.08.2007 |
-> The other Del Monte (PLU) | -> The other Del Monte (PLU) | |||
Text: Del Monte Quality ® #4235 Nr.: 3069 Archives: 1841-1-1 Size: 2,5 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Helga Stangl, München, Germany, 01.05.2001 |
Text: Del Monte Quality ® C #4235 Nr.: 7311 Archives: 1836-2-4 Size: 2,5 x 2,2 Origin: From Claus Jensen, Basel, Schweiz (BANACOM4), 10.12.2006 |
-> The other Del Monte (PLU) | -> The other Del Monte (C) | |||
Text: Del Monte Quality ® C #4235 Nr.: 5227 Archives: 1836-2-5 Size: 2,5 x 2,2 cm Origin: Forgotten, 12.12.2003 |
Text: Del Monte Quality ® C #4235 Comment: distance between '#' and '4235' Nr.: 918 Archives: 1836-2-2 Size: 2,5 x 2,2 Origin: (Müller, Viktualienmarkt, München), 11.12.1999 |
-> The other Del Monte (C) | -> The other Del Monte (C) | |||
Text: Del Monte Quality ® C #4235 Comment: no distance between '#' and '4235' Nr.: 1316 Archives: 1836-2-3 Size: 2,5 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Hans Fischer, Augsburg, Germany, 15.03.2000 |
Text: Del Monte Quality ® ECUADOR #4235 Comment: big letters Nr.: 1479 Archives: 1812-2-1 Size: 2,5 x 2,2 Origin: From Bill Wykle, Westminster, CO, USA, 15.03.2000 |
-> The other Del Monte (C) | -> The other Del Monte (Ecuador) | |||
Text: Del Monte Quality ® G #4235 Nr.: 4070 Archives: 1836-5-1 Size: 2,5 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Bill Wykle, Westminster, CO, USA, 05.05.2002 |
Text: Del Monte Quality ® G #4235 Nr.: 4897 Archives: 1836-5-2 Size: 2,5 x 2,2 Origin: From Bill Wykle, Westminster, CO, USA, 12.08.2003 |
-> The other Del Monte (G) | -> The other Del Monte (G) | |||
Text: Del Monte Quality ® R #4235 Nr.: 1015 Archives: 1837-4-3 Size: 2,5 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Pär Ölander, Lidingö, Sweden, 20.01.2000 |
Text: DELARIARI ® PRODUCT OF COLOMBIA 4235 Nr.: 7564 Archives: 3101-1-5 Size: 2,5 x 2,2 Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 19.04.2007 |
-> The other Del Monte (R) | ||||
Text: Délices ® ECUADOR Nr.: 11226 Archives: 3101-2-6 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 04.08.2012 |
Text: Desbry ® Plantain PRODUCT OF ECUADOR www.pproduce.com #4235 Nr.: 11221 Archives: 3105-4-1 Size: 3,2 x 3,2 Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 04.08.2012 |
-> The other Delices | -> The other Desbry | |||
Text: Desbry TM Plantain #4235 PRODUCT OF ECUADOR Nr.: 9376 Archives: 3103-1-3 Size: 2,9 x 1,8 cm Origin: From Margaret Archer, Bournemouth, England, 01.02.2010 |
Text: Dole ® COSTA RICA #4235 Nr.: 5318 Archives: 2007-5-1 Size: 1,7 x 2,2 Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 01.02.2004 |
-> The other Desbry | -> The other Dole (Country, PLU: Costa Rica) | |||
Text: Dole ® ECUADOR #4235 Nr.: 5748 Archives: 2008-1-3 Size: 1,7 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 10.07.2004 |
Text: Dole ® ECUADOR #4235 Nr.: 8017 Archives: 2008-1-4 Size: 1,7 x 2,2 Origin: (Hongkong-Market, München, Germany), 15.02.2008 |
-> The other Dole (Country, PLU: Ecuador) | -> The other Dole (Country, PLU: Ecuador) | |||
Text: Dole ® GUATEMALA #4235 Nr.: 4867 Archives: 2008-2-4 Size: 1,7 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 18.07.2003 |
Text: Dole ® PLANTAINS PLU 4235 Product of Ecuador Comment: Ecuador Nr.: 9473 Archives: 2311-1-2 Size: 4,2 x 2,9 Origin: From Francis Wolotko, Thunder Bay, Ont. Canada, 20.04.2010 |
-> The other Dole (Country, PLU: Guatemala) | -> The other Dole (Others) | |||
Text: Dole ® PLANTAINS PLU 4235 Product of Guatemala Comment: Guatemala Nr.: 9406 Archives: 2311-1-1 Size: 4,2 x 2,9 cm Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 03.02.2010 |
Text: DUREXPORTA ECUADOR PLU #4235 PLANTAIN TROPICAL LINE Nr.: 11244 Archives: 3105-3-4 Size: 1,8 x 2,3 Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 05.08.2012 |
-> The other Dole (Others) | ||||
Text: ECUADOR BABY Del Monte Quality ® #4234 Nr.: 11260 Archives: 1861-3-3 Size: 3,2 x 2 cm Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 05.08.2012 |
Text: ECUADOR bananasweet PLANTAINS # 4235 Nr.: 2824 Archives: 502-3-3 Size: 2,8 x 2,2 Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 28.03.2001 |
-> The other Del Monte (Oval) | -> The other Banasweet | |||
Text: ECUADOR CALYPSO ™ #4235 Nr.: 6736 Archives: 632-4-1 Size: 2,8 x 2,3 cm Origin: (Asia, Baderstr., München, Germany), 16.03.2006 |
Text: ECUADOR CALYPSO ™ #4235 Nr.: 4685 Archives: 632-4-2 Size: 2,8 x 2,3 Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 01.05.2003 |
-> The other Calypso (Ecuador) | -> The other Calypso (Ecuador) | |||
Text: ECUADOR CALYPSO ™ #4235 Nr.: 10709 Archives: 632-4-4 Size: 2,8 x 2,3 cm Origin: (Norma, München), 02.11.2011 |
Text: ECUADOR CALYPSO ™ #4235 Comment: CALYPSO in small letters; TM at the right Nr.: 11084 Archives: 632-4-5 Size: 2,8 x 2,3 Origin: From Alois Schuetz, München, Germany, 07.07.2012 |
-> The other Calypso (Ecuador) | -> The other Calypso (Ecuador) | |||
Text: ECUADOR CALYPSO ™ #4235 Comment: CALYPSO in small letters; TM at the right Nr.: 11604 Archives: 632-4-6 Size: 2,8 x 2,3 cm Origin: Forgotten, 14.01.2014 |
Text: ECUADOR CALYPSO ™ #4235 Comment: PLU-Code in small letters Nr.: 8337 Archives: 632-4-3 Size: 2,8 x 2,3 Origin: (Honkong-Markt, Motorama, München, Germany), 01.10.2008 |
-> The other Calypso (Ecuador) | -> The other Calypso (Ecuador) | |||
Text: ECUADOR DEL PUEBLO # 4235 Nr.: 9148 Archives: 3105-4-4 Size: 2,5 x 2,2 cm Origin: Forgotten, 13.08.2009 |
Text: ECUADOR Don Elio # 4235 Nr.: 11155 Archives: 3101-2-5 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 02.08.2012 |
Text: ECUADOR EKOSTAR ™ PLANTAINS PLU #4235 Nr.: 3925 Archives: 3291-1-2 Size: 1,9 x 2,1 cm Origin: From Emerson Nichols, High Point, NC, USA, 06.02.2002 |
Text: ECUADOR EKOSTAR ™ PLANTAINS PLU #4235 Nr.: 3926 Archives: 3291-1-3 Size: 1,9 x 2,1 Origin: From Emerson Nichols, High Point, NC, USA, 06.02.2002 |
-> The other Ekostar | -> The other Ekostar | |||
Text: ECUADOR ORGANIC Del Monte Quality ® #4235 Nr.: 11147 Archives: 1851-2-1 Size: 3,1 x 2 cm Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 01.08.2012 |
Text: ECUADOR PBS #4235 Nr.: 8880 Archives: 76,06-1-2 Size: 2,2 x 2,5 Origin: From Manfred Eidenschink, Zell, Germany, 01.03.2009 |
-> The other Del Monte (Organic) | -> The other PBS | |||
Text: Ecuador PLANTAINS #4235 Nr.: 5948 Archives: 95,61-2-4 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 02.12.2004 |
Text: Ecuador PLANTAINS #4235 Nr.: 5975 Archives: 95,61-2-5 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 02.12.2004 |
-> The other PLU-Code (4235) | -> The other PLU-Code (4235) | |||
Text: ECUADOR PLANTAINS Del Monte Quality ® #4235 Nr.: 10419 Archives: 1861-3-1 Size: 3,2 x 2 cm Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 16.07.2011 |
Text: ECUADOR PLANTAINS Del Monte Quality ® #4235 Nr.: 11286 Archives: 1861-3-2 Size: 3,1 x 2 Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 06.08.2012 |
-> The other Dole (Nature's Original) | -> The other Dole (Nature's Original) | |||
Text: ECUADOR RED Del Monte Quality ® #4236 Nr.: 11261 Archives: 1861-3-4 Size: 3,2 x 2 cm Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 05.08.2012 |
Text: ECUADOR Rita ® # 4235 Nr.: 9127 Archives: 78,04-2-1 Size: 2,2 x 2,6 Origin: Forgotten, 15.07.2009 |
-> The other Del Monte (Oval) | -> The other Rita | |||
Text: ECUADOR Selvatica ® #4234 Nr.: 9140 Archives: 80,11-1-4 Size: 2,2 x 2,6 cm Origin: Forgotten, 02.08.2009 |
Text: ECUADOR Selvatica ® #4235 Nr.: 8006 Archives: 80,11-1-2 Size: 2,2 x 2,4 Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 04.02.2008 |
-> The other Selvatica | -> The other Selvatica | |||
Text: ECUADOR Selvatica ® #4235 Nr.: 9139 Archives: 80,11-1-3 Size: 2,2 x 2,6 cm Origin: Forgotten, 02.08.2009 |
Text: ECUADOR Tenta Fruit´s Plantain #4235 Nr.: 8992 Archives: 86,02-3-3 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 Origin: From Emerson Nichols, High Point, NC, USA, 04.06.2009 |
-> The other Selvatica | -> The other Tenta Fruit´s | |||
Text: EKOPlatano PLANTAIN ® ECUADOR PREMIUM #4235 Nr.: 2178 Archives: 3403-5-2 Size: 2,3 x 1,8 cm Origin: From Pär Ölander, Lidingö, Sweden, 24.10.2000 |
Text: EKOSTAR ™ PLANTAINS PLU #4235 Nr.: 3130 Archives: 3291-1-1 Size: 1,8 x 2,5 Origin: From Pär Ölander, Lidingö, Sweden, 01.05.2001 |
-> The other Ekoplatano | -> The other Ekostar | |||
Text: EL CAMPESTRE ® 4235 Nr.: 6296 Archives: 3403-4-5 Size: 2 x 2,7 cm Origin: From Marco Kleinhenz, Niefern-Öschelbronn, Germany, 14.06.2005 |
Text: extraRipe Plantains COLOMBIA Maduros fried plantains ... 1 - 888 - BANANAS www.turbana.com #4235 Nr.: 5652 Archives: 84,06-4-3 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 Origin: From Joan Weinmayr, Lexinton , MA, USA, 05.05.2004 |
-> The other Turbana (1-800 / 1-888) | ||||
Text: extraRIPE Plantains COLOMBIA sweet microwave ... 1 - 888 - BANANAS www.turbana.com #4235 Nr.: 5653 Archives: 84,06-4-4 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 cm Origin: From Joan Weinmayr, Lexinton , MA, USA, 05.05.2004 |
Text: extraRipe Plantains Maduros fried plantains ... 1 - 888 - BANANAS www.turbana.com #4235 Nr.: 1586 Archives: 84,02-2-4 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 10.05.2000 |
-> The other Turbana (1-800 / 1-888) | -> The other Turbana (1-800 / 1-888) | |||
Text: extraRIPE Plantains sweet microwave ... 1 - 888 - BANANAS www.turbana.com #4235 Nr.: 1583 Archives: 84,02-2-1 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 cm Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 10.05.2000 |
Text: Fat Cats Fruits ® PLANTAINS No. 4235 Nr.: 9365 Archives: 3704-5-4 Size: 1,8 x 2,4 Origin: From Margaret Archer, Bournemouth, England, 01.02.2010 |
-> The other Turbana (1-800 / 1-888) | ||||
Text: FRESH from the START PLANTAIN 4235 PRODUCE OF ECUADOR Nr.: 5681 Archives: 3704-6-2 Size: 2,5 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 10.06.2004 |
Text: FRIED (TOSTONES) PLANTAINS - GREEN - ... #4235 Turbana 1-800-Bananas Nr.: 1484 Archives: 84,02-1-3 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 Origin: From Bill Wykle, Westminster, CO, USA, 20.04.2000 |
-> The other Turbana (1-800 / 1-888) | ||||
Text: FRIED PLANTAINS - EXTRA RIPE - ... #4235 Turbana 1-800-Bananas Nr.: 1482 Archives: 84,02-1-1 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 cm Origin: From Bill Wykle, Westminster, CO, USA, 20.04.2000 |
Text: Frieda's ® The Speciality Produce Company driven by results Plantain Product of Ecuador #4235 www.friedas.com Nr.: 6553 Archives: 3631-4-2 Size: 2,5 x 3,5 Origin: From Bill Wykle, Westminster, CO, USA, 01.01.2006 |
-> The other Turbana (1-800 / 1-888) | -> The other Frieda`s | |||
Text: Frieda's PLANTAIN Cooking banana #4235 PRODUCT OF ECUADOR Item #60865 www.friedas.com Nr.: 7515 Archives: 3632-5-1 Size: 2,5 x 3,5 cm Origin: From Ludmila Petrzelova, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 28.03.2007 |
Text: Frieda's Plantain Product of Ecuador #4235 Nr.: 6554 Archives: 3632-4-1 Size: 2,5 x 3,5 Origin: From Bill Wykle, Westminster, CO, USA, 01.01.2006 |
-> The other Frieda`s | -> The other Frieda`s | |||
Text: Frieda's Plantain PRODUCT OF ECUADOR #4235 Nr.: 7516 Archives: 3632-4-2 Size: 2,5 x 3,5 cm Origin: From Ludmila Petrzelova, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 28.03.2007 |
Text: Frieda's Cooking Banana Plantain #4235 Nr.: 2357 Archives: 3631-4-1 Size: 2,5 x 3,5 Origin: (Frieda's, Inc, Los Alamitos, USA), 21.12.2000 |
-> The other Frieda`s | -> The other Frieda`s | |||
Text: Frieda's Cooking Banana www.friedas.com Plantain #4235 Nr.: 4095 Archives: 3631-4-3 Size: 2,5 x 3,5 cm Origin: From Emerson Nichols, High Point, NC, USA, 11.05.2002 |
Text: Frieda's Plantain #4235 Nr.: 4746 Archives: 3632-3-2 Size: 2,5 x 3,5 Origin: From Bill Wykle, Westminster, CO, USA, 01.06.2003 |
-> The other Frieda`s | -> The other Frieda`s | |||
Text: Frieda's Plantain #4235 Nr.: 4750 Archives: 3632-3-3 Size: 2,5 x 3,5 cm Origin: From Bill Wykle, Westminster, CO, USA, 01.06.2003 |
Text: Frieda's Plantain #4235 Cooking banana Nr.: 4748 Archives: 3632-2-3 Size: 2,5 x 3,5 Origin: From Bill Wykle, Westminster, CO, USA, 01.06.2003 |
-> The other Frieda`s | -> The other Frieda`s | |||
Text: GREEN Plantains COLOMBIA TOSTONES Fried Plantains ... 1 - 888 - BANANAS www.turbana.com #4235 Nr.: 5650 Archives: 84,06-4-1 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 cm Origin: From Joan Weinmayr, Lexinton , MA, USA, 05.05.2004 |
Text: GREEN Plantains TOSTONES Fried Plantains ... 1 - 888 - BANANAS www.turbana.com #4235 Nr.: 1584 Archives: 84,02-2-2 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 10.05.2000 |
-> The other Turbana (1-800 / 1-888) | -> The other Turbana (1-800 / 1-888) | |||
Text: GUATEMALA PLANTAINS Del Monte Quality ® BABY #4235 Nr.: 11805 Archives: 1861-2-1 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Linda Schrandt; Milwaukee, WI, USA, 15.04.2014 |
Text: Harvest Fresh #4011 COSTA RICA Nr.: 8938 Archives: 4301-3-5 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 Origin: (TicoBan 2008), 01.06.2009 |
-> The other Del Monte (Oval) | -> The other Harvest Fresh | |||
Text: Harvest Fresh #4235 COSTA RICA Nr.: 8262 Archives: 4301-3-4 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Günther Hofmair, Linz ,Austria, 13.08.2008 |
Text: Keny ® Ecuador 4235 Nr.: 4255 Archives: 5001-1-2 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 Origin: From Michael Riehl, Frankfurt, Germany, 02.10.2002 |
-> The other Harvest Fresh | -> The other Keny | |||
Text: MICASA PLATANO #4235 Colombia Nr.: 6074 Archives: 6003-2-3 Size: 2,4 x 1,8 cm Origin: From Elinor Miller, Charlottesville, VA, USA, 18.02.2005 |
Text: MICASA PLATANO #4235 Colombia Nr.: 8997 Archives: 6003-2-4 Size: 2,4 x 1,8 Origin: (TicoBan 2008), 01.06.2009 |
-> The other Micasa | -> The other Micasa | |||
Text: MUNDI FRUIT ® PLANTAIN #4235 ECUADOR Nr.: 4288 Archives: 6002-4-6 Size: 2,4 x 1,8 cm Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 16.10.2002 |
Text: MUSA 4235 PLANTAINS Nr.: 949 Archives: 6005-3-6 Size: 1,8 x 2,2 Origin: From Gerri Lorenzo, Visalia, CA, USA, 21.12.1999 |
-> The other Musa | ||||
Text: PanaPlatanos ® #4235 PANAMA Nr.: 10427 Archives: 76,02-4-3 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 16.07.2011 |
Text: PBS PROCACCI BROTHER SALES CORPORATION GREEN PLANTAINS #4235 Product of Ecuador Nr.: 8882 Archives: 76,06-1-1 Size: 3,2 x 2,5 Origin: From Manfred Eidenschink, Zell, Germany, 01.03.2009 |
-> The other Pana Platanos | -> The other PBS | |||
Text: PLANTAIN #4235 COOKING BANANA Nr.: 1494 Archives: 95,61-2-2 Origin: From Bill Wykle, Westminster, CO, USA, 17.04.2000 |
Text: PLANTAIN #4235 COOKING BANANA Nr.: 1491 Archives: 95,61-2-3 Origin: From Bill Wykle, Westminster, CO, USA, 17.04.2000 |
-> The other PLU-Code (4235) | -> The other PLU-Code (4235) | |||
Text: Plantain #4235 Desbry TM www.wpproduce.com Ecuador Nr.: 7164 Archives: 3103-1-1 Size: 1,4 x 2,3 cm Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA (BANACOM4), 01.12.2006 |
Text: Plantain #4235 Desbry TM www.wpproduce.com Ecuador Nr.: 8515 Archives: 3103-1-2 Size: 2 x 3,5 Origin: From Randy Chambers, Gaffney, SC, USA (TicoBan 2008), 24.01.2009 |
-> The other Desbry | -> The other Desbry | |||
Text: PLANTAIN BANANA ... PLU #'4235 melissa's ® Nr.: 1363 Archives: 5881-3-1 Size: 5 x 3,8 cm Origin: From Elinor Miller, Charlottesville, VA, USA, 24.03.2000 |
Text: PLANTAIN BANANA ... PLU #'4235 Product of Ecuador melissa's ® Nr.: 1295 Archives: 5881-2-3 Size: 5,7 x 3,5 Origin: From Marion & Michael Schäfer, München, Germany (Florida, USA), 08.03.2000 |
-> The other Melissa`s (oval-high) | -> The other Melissa`s (oval-high) | |||
Text: PLANTAIN BANANA ... PLU #'4235 Product of Ecuador melissa's ® Comment: like #1295, but text just above the PLU is different Nr.: 4632 Archives: 5881-2-2 Size: 5,7 x 3,5 cm Origin: From Francis Wolotko, Thunder Bay, Ont. Canada, 10.04.2003 |
Text: PLANTAIN BANANA ... PLU #'4235 Product of Venezuela melissa's ® Nr.: 4732 Archives: 5881-2-1 Size: 5,7 x 3,5 Origin: From Emerson Nichols, High Point, NC, USA, 09.03.2003 |
-> The other Melissa`s (oval-high) | -> The other Melissa`s (oval-high) | |||
Text: PLANTAIN BANANA ... PLU '4235 melissa's ® Nr.: 1003 Archives: 5881-2-4 Size: 5,7 x 3,5 cm Origin: From Pär Ölander, Lidingö, Sweden, 20.01.2000 |
Text: PLANTAIN BANANAS #4235 Nr.: 1447 Archives: 95,61-1-2 Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 17.04.2000 |
-> The other Melissa`s (oval-high) | -> The other PLU-Code (4235) | |||
Text: PLANTAIN BANANAS PLU#4235 Sol Pacifica Product of Ecuador DIST BY PROGRESSIVE MARKETING GROUP L.A. CA 90040 Nr.: 8494 Archives: 80,1-2-1 Size: 6,2 x 3,8 cm Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA (TicoBan 2008), 07.02.2009 |
Text: PLANTAIN Chiquita (R) #4235 Ecuador Nr.: 9515 Archives: 801-2-1 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 Origin: From Jimmy Torres R., Machala - El Oro, Ecuador, 01.05.2010 |
-> The other Sol Pacifica | -> The other Chiquita (White Border) | |||
Text: PLANTAIN Chiquita (R) #4235 Guatemala Nr.: 5091 Archives: 801-3-1 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Klement Cepon, Ljubljana, Slowenia, 12.10.2003 |
Text: PLANTAIN Chiquita (R) #4235 Guatemala Nr.: 7745 Archives: 801-3-2 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 Origin: From Cordula Eichfeld, München, Germany, 20.09.2007 |
-> The other Chiquita (White Border) | -> The other Chiquita (White Border) | |||
Text: PLANTAIN Chiquita (R) #4235 Honduras Nr.: 9063 Archives: 801-3-3 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Sam Winters, Yadkinville, NC, USA, 22.07.2009 |
Text: PLANTAIN Chiquita (R) #4235 Nicaragua Nr.: 7819 Archives: 801-3-4 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 Origin: From Sam Winters, Yadkinville, NC, USA, 25.11.2007 |
-> The other Chiquita (White Border) | -> The other Chiquita (White Border) | |||
Text: PLANTAIN Chiquita TM Ecuador Nr.: 11274 Archives: 801-2-5 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 07.08.2012 |
Text: PLANTAIN CONSUL ® # 4235 Ecuador Nr.: 11848 Archives: 1554-1-4 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 Origin: From Linda Schrandt; Milwaukee, WI, USA, 25.01.2011 |
-> The other Chiquita (White Border) | -> The other Consul (This and that) | |||
Text: PLANTAIN CONSUL ® # 4235 Guatemala Nr.: 10004 Archives: 1554-1-3 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Darrell Myers, Marshalltown, Iowa, USA, 25.01.2011 |
Text: PLANTAIN PLU # 4235 Nr.: 9715 Archives: 95,62-1-5 Size: 2,2 x 2,6 Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 01.09.2010 |
-> The other Consul (This and that) | -> The other PLU-Code (4235) | |||
Text: PLANTAINS # 4235 ECUADOR Nr.: 11249 Archives: 95,62-1-3 Size: 2 x 3,4 cm Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 05.08.2012 |
Text: PLANTAINS Del Monte Quality ® #4235 COLOMBIA 17524 21000 Nr.: 7060 Archives: 1861-1-5 Size: 3,1 x 2,5 Origin: From Wolfgang Wimmer, Saarbrücken, Germany, 01.10.2006 |
-> The other Unknown Company (the others) | -> The other Del Monte (Rectangular) | |||
Text: PLANTAINS Del Monte Quality ® #4235 COSTA RICA 17524 21000 5 Nr.: 7169 Archives: 1861-1-4 Size: 3,1 x 2,5 cm Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA (BANACOM4), 01.12.2006 |
Text: PLANTAINS Del Monte Quality ® #4235 ECUADOR 17524 21000 5 Nr.: 7821 Archives: 1861-1-1 Size: 3,1 x 2,5 Origin: From Sam Winters, Yadkinville, NC, USA, 25.11.2007 |
-> The other Del Monte (Rectangular) | -> The other Del Monte (Rectangular) | |||
Text: PLANTAINS Del Monte Quality ® #4235 ECUADOR 17524 21000 5 Nr.: 11269 Archives: 1861-1-2 Size: 3,1 x 2,5 cm Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 05.08.2012 |
Text: PLANTAINS Del Monte Quality ® #4235 ECUADOR 17524 21000 5 Nr.: 9184 Archives: 1861-1-3 Size: 3,1 x 2,5 Origin: (Burlington, VE, USA), 25.08.2009 |
-> The other Del Monte (Rectangular) | -> The other Del Monte (Rectangular) | |||
Text: PLANTAINS Del Monte Quality ® #4235 GUATEMALA 17524 21000 5 Nr.: 7166 Archives: 1861-1-6 Size: 3,1 x 2,5 cm Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA (BANACOM4), 01.12.2006 |
Text: PLANTAINS Délices ® #4235 ECUADOR 717524210005 Nr.: 9143 Archives: 3106-1-1 Size: 3,2 x 2,5 Origin: Forgotten, 13.08.2009 |
-> The other Del Monte (Rectangular) | -> The other Delices | |||
Text: PLANTAINS NIRMAN TM PLU # 4235 Nr.: 4285 Archives: 69,01-3-3 Size: 2,5 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 16.10.2002 |
Text: PLANTAINS PLU# 4235 J&C Tropicals Product of Costa Rica Nr.: 10771 Archives: 4902-2-2 Size: 2,1 x 3,8 Origin: From Nancy Jill Meyers, Venice, FL, USA, 10.02.2012 |
-> The other J&C Tropicals | ||||
Text: PLANTAINS PLU# 4235 J&C Tropicals Product of Guatemala Nr.: 9474 Archives: 4902-2-1 Size: 2,2 x 2,7 cm Origin: From Francis Wolotko, Thunder Bay, Ont. Canada, 20.04.2010 |
Text: Plantains REDI FRESH PLU 4235 Product of Costa Rica Nr.: 10426 Archives: 78,04-4-5 Size: 3,2 x 2,5 Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 16.07.2011 |
-> The other J&C Tropicals | -> The other Redi | |||
Text: PLANTAINS Tropyfresh tm PLU # 4235 ECUADOR Nr.: 4254 Archives: 43,01-2-44 Size: 2,5 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Michael Riehl, Frankfurt, Germany, 02.10.2002 |
Text: PLU 4235 ® Tucana Machos Plantains Chiapas Mexico Nr.: 10184 Archives: 83,01-5-1 Size: 2,4 x 3 Origin: From Emerson Nichols, High Point, NC, USA, 21.03.2011 |
-> The other Tucana (Bird) | ||||
Text: PLU 4235 gran B banachon platanos de variedad Nr.: 8459 Archives: 508-2-2 Size: 3,8 x 2,3 cm Origin: From Rosalie Miller, St. Joe, IN, USA (TicoBan 2008), 18.01.2009 |
Text: PREMIUM LABEL PLANTAINS Selvatica ® Aroma,texture and taste of Ecuador 7 862112 110090 GREEN PLANTAINS #4235 Product of Nr.: 10963 Archives: 80,11-2-4 Size: 3,2 x 2,5 Origin: (Asia-Shop im Motorama), 04.04.2012 |
-> The other Banachon | -> The other Selvatica | |||
Text: PREMIUM TURBANA ® #4235 Nr.: 1055 Archives: 84,06-3-2 Size: 2,7 x 2 cm Origin: From Klement Cepon, Ljubljana, Slowenia, 28.01.2000 |
Text: Procacci Brothers Tropicals BANANAS PLU 4235 ECUADOR Nr.: 10713 Archives: 76,05-5-3 Size: 2,5 x 3,2 Origin: From Masao Enomuto, Kanagawa, Japan, 05.01.2012 |
-> The other Turbana (Green-yellow-red-white) | -> The other Procacci Brothers | |||
Text: PRODUCT OF ECUADOR El Manaba #4235 Nr.: 9409 Archives: 3403-6-1 Size: 2,2 x 2,8 cm Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 03.02.2010 |
Text: PRODUCT OF ECUADOR El Manaba #4235 Nr.: 9369 Archives: 3403-6-2 Size: 2,2 x 2,8 Origin: From Margaret Archer, Bournemouth, England, 01.02.2010 |
-> The other El Manaba | -> The other El Manaba | |||
Text: PRODUCT OF ECUADOR FGEnterprise PLANTAIN PLU 4235 Nr.: 9447 Archives: 3703-6-5 Size: 2,3 x 1,8 cm Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 05.04.2010 |
Text: PRODUCT OF GUATEMALA Del Monte Quality ® #4235 Nr.: 5687 Archives: 1812-4-1 Size: 2,5 x 2,2 Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 10.06.2004 |
-> The other Del Monte (Rest) | ||||
Text: REDI FRESH # 4235 PRODUCT OF COSTA RICA Nr.: 9405 Archives: 78,04-3-5 Size: 2,7 x 2,1 cm Origin: Forgotten, 01.03.2010 |
Text: REDI FRESH PRODUCT OF ECUADOR # 4235 Nr.: 9410 Archives: 78,04-3-4 Size: 2,3 x 1,8 Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 01.03.2010 |
-> The other Redi | -> The other Redi | |||
Text: RICA ® ECUADOR #4235 Nr.: 11492 Archives: 77,07-3-1 Size: 2,8 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Eva Marsch, München, Germany, 05.07.2013 |
Text: RICA ECUADOR #4235 Comment: dark Colours Nr.: 4687 Archives: 77,07-5-2 Size: 2,8 x 2,2 Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 01.05.2003 |
-> The other Rica | -> The other Rica | |||
Text: RICA ECUADOR #4235 Comment: dark Colours Nr.: 4686 Archives: 77,07-5-3 Size: 2,8 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 01.05.2003 |
Text: RICA PLANTAIN #4235 COLOMBIA Nr.: 10775 Archives: 77,07-2-1 Size: 2,9 x 3,3 Origin: From Anita André, Rouen, France, 19.02.2012 |
-> The other Rica | -> The other Rica | |||
Text: RIEGO grupo GUATEMALA Keny ® 4235 ksgtrade@aol.com Nr.: 11839 Archives: 5001-3-1 Size: 2,5 x 3,2 cm Origin: From Linda Schrandt; Milwaukee, WI, USA, 16.04.2014 |
Text: RIEGO www.riegogrupo.com Keny ® ksgtrade@aol.com 4235 Ecuador Nr.: 11253 Archives: 5001-1-3 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 05.08.2012 |
-> The other Keny | -> The other Keny | |||
Text: RIPE Plantains COLOMBIA microwave plantain ... 1 - 888 - BANANAS www.turbana.com #4235 Nr.: 5651 Archives: 84,06-4-2 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 cm Origin: From Joan Weinmayr, Lexinton , MA, USA, 05.05.2004 |
Text: RIPE Plantains microwave plantain ... 1 - 888 - BANANAS www.turbana.com #4235 Nr.: 1585 Archives: 84,02-2-3 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 10.05.2000 |
-> The other Turbana (1-800 / 1-888) | -> The other Turbana (1-800 / 1-888) | |||
Text: Selvatica ® Aroma, texture and taste of Ecuador 7 862112 110090 GREEN PLANTAINS #4235 Product of Ecuador Nr.: 10778 Archives: 80,11-2-3 Size: 3,2 x 2,5 cm Origin: From Anita André, Rouen, France, 19.02.2012 |
Text: Selvatica ® bananas #4011 ECUADOR Nr.: 9144 Archives: 80,11-2-1 Size: 2,2 x 2,6 Origin: Forgotten, 02.08.2009 |
-> The other Selvatica | -> The other Selvatica | |||
Text: Selvatica ® bananas #4011 ECUADOR Nr.: 9145 Archives: 80,11-2-2 Size: 2,2 x 2,6 cm Origin: Forgotten, 02.08.2009 |
Text: Selvatica ® BANANAS ORGANIC Product of Ecuador Nr.: 11791 Archives: 80,11-6-3 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 Origin: From Christine Eichfeld, München, Germany, 05.04.2014 |
-> The other Selvatica | -> The other Selvatica | |||
Text: Selvatica ® BANANAS PLU #4011 Product of Ecuador Nr.: 9748 Archives: 80,11-1-5 Size: 2,4 x 1,8 cm Origin: From Jimmy Torres R., Machala - El Oro, Ecuador, 20.10.2010 |
Text: Selvatica ® BANANAS PLU #4011 Product of Ecuador Nr.: 11246 Archives: 80,11-2-5 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 Origin: From Elvis Velez, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 05.08.2012 |
-> The other Selvatica | -> The other Selvatica | |||
Text: SUNISA #4235 Nr.: 1490 Archives: 80,02-5-5 Origin: From Bill Wykle, Westminster, CO, USA, 20.04.2000 |
Text: SWEET MICROWAVE PLANTAINS - EXTRA RIPE - ... #4235 Turbana 1-800-Bananas Nr.: 1485 Archives: 84,02-1-4 Size: 6,7 x 3,2 Origin: From Bill Wykle, Westminster, CO, USA, 20.04.2000 |
-> The other Sunisa | -> The other Turbana (1-800 / 1-888) | |||
Text: TRECHAS BRAND © PLANTAIN 4235 Nr.: 1455 Archives: 82,01-5-1 Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 20.04.2000 |
Text: TRECHAS MACHO BANANA 4235 Nr.: 1203 Archives: 82,01-2-2 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 Origin: From John A. Kirchner, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 18.02.2000 |
-> The other Trechas | -> The other Trechas | |||
Text: TRECHAS MACHO BANANA 4235 Comment: Big Letters Nr.: 2197 Archives: 82,01-2-1 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Elinor Miller, Charlottesville, VA, USA, 01.11.2000 |
Text: TURBANA ® #4235 Nr.: 1759 Archives: 84,05-2-4 Size: 2,7 x 2,1 Origin: From Rebecca Martz, Houston, TX, USA, 15.06.2000 |
-> The other Trechas | -> The other Turbana (Green-yellow-red-white) | |||
Text: Turbana Plantain #4235 Nr.: 2161 Archives: 84,05-4-2 Size: 2,8 x 1,9 cm Origin: From Francis Wolotko, Thunder Bay, Ont. Canada, 24.10.2000 |
Text: Turbana Plantain #4235 Nr.: 3966 Archives: 84,05-4-3 Size: 2,8 x 1,9 Origin: From Emerson Nichols, High Point, NC, USA, 03.03.2002 |
-> The other Turbana (Green-yellow-red-white) | -> The other Turbana (Green-yellow-red-white) | |||
Text: Turbana Plantain #4235 Comment: Bananas with green Border Nr.: 4764 Archives: 84,05-4-1 Size: 2,8 x 1,9 cm Origin: (Zandfoort, Netherlands), 16.06.2003 |
Text: Turbana Plantain Colombia #4235 Nr.: 5325 Archives: 84,05-4-4 Size: 2,8 x 1,9 Origin: From Emerson Nichols, High Point, NC, USA, 02.02.2004 |
-> The other Turbana (Green-yellow-red-white) | -> The other Turbana (Green-yellow-red-white) | |||
Text: Turbana Plantain Colombia #4235 Nr.: 8367 Archives: 84,05-4-5 Size: 2,7 x 1,9 cm Origin: From Tatjana Muralter, München, Germany (Canada), 17.10.2008 |
Text: Turbana Plantain Colombia #4235 Nr.: 9064 Archives: 84,06-2-5 Size: 4 x 1,9 Origin: From Sam Winters, Yadkinville, NC, USA, 22.07.2009 |
-> The other Turbana (Green-yellow-red-white) | -> The other Turbana (This and that) | |||
Text: Yojoa 4235 Nr.: 2450 Archives: 94,01-1-1 Size: 2,9 x 2,9 cm Origin: From Lars Topholm, Hellerup, Denmark, 28.01.2001 |
Text: melissa's PLANTAIN BANANA PRODUCT OF VENEZUELA PLU# 4235 P.O. BOX 21127 ... Nr.: 10770 Archives: 5886-1-2 Size: 3,5 x 5,7 cm Origin: From Nancy Jill Meyers, Venice, FL, USA, 10.02.2012 |
-> The other Melissa`s (oval-flat) |