Bonita: Sun ® | 29.09.2013 01:09:38 |
Text: BONITA ® #4011 Nr.: 1556 Archives: 453-2-1 Size: 2,8 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Michael Riehl, Frankfurt, Germany, 05.05.2000 |
Text: BONITA ® ECUADOR #4011 Comment: fine Letters; Space between # and 4011 Nr.: 77 Archives: 453-1-2 Size: 2,8 x 2,2 Origin: Forgotten, 31.08.1999 |
-> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | -> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | |||
Text: BONITA ® ECUADOR #4011 Comment: bold Letters; no Space between # and 4011 Nr.: 3275 Archives: 453-1-3 Size: 2,8 x 2,2 cm Origin: Forgotten, 31.08.1999 |
Text: BONITA ® ECUADOR #4011 Comment: Sun with 21 rays, all the other Bonita-Labels have 25 rays Nr.: 5439 Archives: 453-1-4 Size: 2,8 x 2,2 Origin: From Philippos Papanikolaou, Rafina, Greece, 16.04.2004 |
-> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | -> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | |||
Text: BONITA ® ECUADOR #4234 Nr.: 1051 Archives: 453-4-3 Size: 2,3 x 1,9 cm Origin: From Klement Cepon, Ljubljana, Slowenia, 28.01.2000 |
Text: BONITA ® ECUADOR #4234 Comment: small letters Nr.: 9306 Archives: 453-5-3 Size: 2,3 x 1,9 Origin: From Joan Weinmayr, Lexinton , MA, USA, 20.01.2010 |
-> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | -> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | |||
Text: BONITA ® ECUADOR #4234 Comment: like Nr. 1051, but light colours Nr.: 7569 Archives: 453-4-1 Size: 2,3 x 1,9 cm Origin: Forgotten, 23.04.2007 |
Text: BONITA ® ECUADOR #4235 Nr.: 966 Archives: 453-3-2 Size: 2,8 x 2,2 Origin: From Gerri Lorenzo, Visalia, CA, USA, 21.12.2000 |
-> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | -> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | |||
Text: BONITA ® ECUADOR #4236 Nr.: 916 Archives: 453-5-4 Size: 2,3 x 1,9 cm Origin: (Müller, Viktualienmarkt, München), 11.12.1999 |
Text: BONITA ® ECUADOR #4236 Comment: small ® Nr.: 7568 Archives: 453-5-1 Size: 2,3 x 1,9 Origin: Forgotten, 23.04.2007 |
-> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | -> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | |||
Text: BONITA ® ECUADOR Bio 94011 Nr.: 7706 Archives: 454-1-1 Size: 2,8 x 2,2 cm Origin: Forgotten, 25.08.2007 |
Text: BONITA ® ECUADOR Bio 94011 Nr.: 9015 Archives: 454-1-2 Size: 2,8 x 2,2 Origin: From Ele & Hannes Sobieski, Essen, Germany, 15.06.2009 |
-> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | -> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | |||
Text: BONITA ® ECUADOR Organic 94011 Nr.: 4641 Archives: 454-2-1 Size: 2,8 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Elinor Miller, Charlottesville, VA, USA, 13.04.2003 |
Text: BONITA ® ECUADOR Organic 94011 Nr.: 7102 Archives: 454-2-3 Size: 2,8 x 2,2 Origin: (Kaufhof, München, Germany), 08.11.2006 |
-> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | -> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | |||
Text: BONITA ® ECUADOR Organic 94011 Comment: ECUADOR/PLU in smaller letters Nr.: 7604 Archives: 454-1-4 Size: 2,8 x 2,2 cm Origin: Forgotten, 23.06.2007 |
Text: BONITA ® ECUADOR Organic 94011 Comment: light colours Nr.: 5329 Archives: 454-2-2 Size: 2,8 x 2,2 Origin: (Basic, München), 07.01.2004 |
-> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | -> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | |||
Text: BONITA ® ECUADOR Organic 94234 Nr.: 5716 Archives: 454-3-2 Size: 2,4 x 1,9 cm Origin: From Jo Ann MacKenzie, Surrey, Canada, 21.06.2004 |
Text: BONITA ® ECUADOR Organic 94234 Comment: light colours Nr.: 5866 Archives: 454-3-1 Size: 2,4 x 1,9 Origin: From Elinor Miller, Charlottesville, VA, USA, 04.10.2004 |
-> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | -> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | |||
Text: BONITA ® MEXICO Nr.: 1304 Archives: 453-6-2 Size: 2,3 x 1,9 cm Origin: From Pär Ölander, Lidingö, Sweden, 15.03.2000 |
Text: BONITA ® PANAMA #4011 Nr.: 259 Archives: 453-1-5 Size: 2,7 x 2,2 Origin: (Helminger; Bauernmarkt, München), 30.10.1999 |
-> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | -> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | |||
Text: BONITA ® PRODUCT OF PERU Nr.: 3622 Archives: 453-6-4 Size: 2,8 x 2,2 cm Origin: From Claus Jensen, Basel, Schweiz, 22.09.2001 |
Text: ECUADOR B FAIR ® BIO Nr.: 9856 Archives: 454-4-1 Size: 2,4 x 1,8 Origin: From Bill Wykle, Westminster, CO, USA, 03.12.2010 |
-> The other Bonita (Sun ®) | -> The other Bonita (Sun ®) |